Minggu, 16 November 2014

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Whistle blowing adalah tindakan seorang pekerja yang memutuskan untuk melapor kepada media, kekuasaan internal atau eksternal tentang hal-hal ilegal dan tidak etis yang terjadi di lingkungan kerja.

Hal ini merupakan isu yang penting dan dapat berdampak buruk, baik kepada individu tersebut maupun organisasi yang dilaporkan (Vinten, 1994). Menurut Vardi dan Wiener (1996), tindakan ini termasuk tindakan menyimpang karena menyalahi aturan inti pekerjaan dalam perusahaan yang harus dipatuhi oleh semua pekerja. Sedangkan menurut Moberg (1997) tindakan ini dikategorikan sebagai pengkhianatan terhadap perusahaan.


Jumat, 17 Oktober 2014

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Ethical Governance (Etika Pemerintahan) adalah ajaran untuk berperilaku yang baik dan benar sesuai dengan nilai-nilai keutamaan yang berhubungan dengan hakikat manusia.

Dalam ethical governance (etika pemerintahan) terdapat juga masalah kesusilaan dan kesopanan dalam aparat, aparatur, struktur, dan lembaganya. Kesusialaan adalah peraturan hidup yang berasal dari suara hati manusia. Suara hati manusia menentkan perbatan mana yang baik dan mana yang buruk, tergantung pada kepribadian atau jati diri masing-masing. Manusia berbuat baik atau berbuat buruk karena bisikan suara hatinya (conscience of man).Kesusilaan mendorong manusia untuk kebaikan akhlaknya, misalnya mencintai orang tua, guru, pemimpin, dan lain-lain. Kesopanan dasarnya adalah kepantansan, kepatuhan, kebiasaan, keperdulian yang berlaku dalam pergaulan (masyarakat, pemerintah, bangsa, dan negara). Kesopanan disebut pula sopan santun, tata karma, adat, kostum. Kalau kesusilaan ditunjukkan kepada sikap batin, maka kesopanan dititikberatkan kepada sikap lahir setiap subyek pelakunya, demi ketertiban dan kehidupan masyarakat dalam pergaulan.

Etika Profesi Akuntansi

Jumat, 26 September 2014

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Pengertian Etika
Kata etika seringkali disebut dengan kata etik, atau ethics (bahasa Inggris) yang mengandung banyak pengertian.

Dai segi etimologi (asal kata), istilah etika berasal dari kata Latin "Ethicos" yang berarti kebiasaan. Dengan demikian, menurut pengertian yang asli, yang dikatakan baik itu apabila sesuai dengan kebiasaan masyarakat. Kemudian lambat laun, pengertian ini berubah yaitu etika adalah suatu ilmu yang membicarakan masalah perbuatan atau tingkah laku manusia, mana yang dapat dinilai baik dan mana yang dapat dinilai tidak baik.

My English Skill Ability

Senin, 23 Juni 2014

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Inevitable that English is an international language which is very important for us to be able to adapt to the world. Therefore, we as future generations who will be competing with the world, sued to have the proficiency in English. However, it is not inevitable that there is still much lacking English language skills, especially in Indonesia.

English skills such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking. I think my English language skills to write and read it well enough, I had to do was get to read books that use English. While the ability to hear the English language was still a bit difficult when I had to understand. Because the pronunciation in English is difficult to understand and much vocabulary that I don't know.

What will you do after graduation?

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Graduated from college is the most awaited moment by the student. What will you do after graduation? When he heard these words, of course that's a happy but also worried. Happy to be graduating from college and we have a broader knowledge. However, we are still worried, what will we do after got education in college.

There are a few things I would do when I graduated college, namely :
        1. Working
One of the biggest motivation of student to finish college are getting jobs. Likewise with me, I want to get a job in accordance with the field that I have wrestled in college. In addition, when I worked at a company I also want to be able to occupy positions in accordance with my ability and level of education.

        2. Continuing Study
When I've got a career, I also want to be able to continue to post-graduate education to increase the chances of obtaining appropriate professional career of my choice. So, when I have a degree S2 then I also have experience in the world of work. 

In addition to the above, there are a few things I would do after I get a job and can continuing Study, namely married with the people who i love and vacation with my family.


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Indonesia is a democratic country. In realizing democracy, one of which is held the democratic party or better known by ELECTION. Although new elections will be held on July 9, 2014, but the excitement of the election were already underway since early June. The excitement of that was not only seen in the big cities, but until remote corners of the country.

In the next election, there are 2 pairs of the president and vice president. Where, the first pair number Prabowo and Hatta Rajasa while the number 2 there Joko Widodo and Jusuf Kalla. I think each of these pairs has its own advantages and disadvantages. Here are the explanations:

  1. Prabowo – Hatta

Strengths :
Prabowo has a leadership career in the military. Second, Prabowo been studying abroad. This certainly makes Prabowo able to master a foreign language, that is needed in the Indonesian diplomatic missions. Third, Prabowo is mature figure in financial. This condition can give hope to the people to not corruption when he became president.

Weaknesses :
First, human rights case that ensnared him. Second, Prabowo also have a disadvantage in managing leadership herself. Third, Prabowo has yet to have a companion. Because as the proverb says that "Behind a successful man there is a great woman".

  1. Jokowi - JK

Strengths :
Excess Jokowi just one, but it is hard to found in others, namely Jokowi have a conscience. As for Jusuf Kalla, he have the experience and have a spirit of statesmanship.

            Weaknesses :
Jokowi has not be seen statesmanship and his experience. While Jusuf Kalla also have flaws that could be dangerous. The weakness of Jusuf Kalla that was knows everything.

That's the explanation of the strengths and weaknesses of each candidate for president and vice president in 2014 in my opinion. Regardless of the outcome later, anyone elected as leaders and get a mandate from the people. He was the one who had to bring Indonesia to change for the better. Indonesian for the creation of peace, peaceful and tranquil.


Jumat, 11 April 2014

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  1.  There are much books in the library.
  2. A group of students are discussing the homework.
  3. The president of Iran or the president of Turkey are attending the meeting.
  4. Neither they nor my sons never does the school task.
  5. Not only my mother but also my father have been in London. 

  1.  There are much book in the library.
  2. A group of student are discussing the homework.
  3. Either the president of Iran or the president of Turkey are attending the meeting.
  4.  Neither they nor my sons never do the school task.
  5. Not only my mother but also my father has been in London. 

The Origin Of The Name Of The City In Indonesia

Kamis, 10 April 2014

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Formerly, in the vast ocean frequent fights between Shark Sura with Crocodile. They fight over prey scramble. Both are equally strong, equally competent, equally smart, equally ferocious and equally greedy. Already many times they fight nobody ever wins or lose. Eventually they entered into the agreement. The deal is to divide the territory into two. Sura ruled supreme in the water and had to find their prey in the water, while crocodiles power on land and prey must be located on the mainland. As the boundary between land and water, is reached by sea water at low tide. The deal was approved by both.

With the division of the territory, it is no longer a fight between Sura and Crocodile. Both have agreed to respect each region. But one day, Sura Shark prey in the river. This is done in secret so as crocodiles do not know. At first it did not get caught. But one day Crocodile caught deeds this Shark Sura. Sure, just very angry crocodile sharks Sura broke his promise. Shark Sura who feel no guilt calm. "I violated the agreement? Was not this river watery . I've told you, that I was a ruler in water? Now, the river is right there is water, so it also includes regional power," Shark said Sura. "What? River right place on the ground, while the area of ​​your power in the sea, meaning the river is area of my power!" Crocodile insisted. "Can not. I did not tell you that the water was only sea water, but also the river" said Sharks Sura? "You deliberately asking for trouble, Sura?" "No, I think the reason is quite strong and I was on the part of the right!" Sura said. "You deliberately palming. I'm not as stupid as you think!" Crocodile said getting angry. "I do not care you stupid or clever, which importance of river water and sea water are my power!" Sura did not want to lose. Because no one wants to budge, then fierce battle between Sura and Crocodile Shark happen again.

The fight this time more fun and awesome. Jump and pounce on each other, biting and hitting each other. In an instant, the water around it becomes red by the blood from the wounds of the two animals. They continue to fight tooth and nail without a break. In this fierce battle, Crocodile Shark Sura got bites right at the base of its tail. Furthermore, its tail was forced to always bend to the left. While fish Sura also bitten her tail until almost severed, and Sura fish back into the ocean. Crocodiles have been satisfied to maintain the area.

The battle between fish shark called Sura and Crocodile is very memorable in the hearts of the people of Surabaya. Therefore, the name of Surabaya has always been linked to these events. From events is made that the symbol of Surabaya picture "sura fish and crocodiles".


In ancient times, the area of South Sumatra, Jambi Province and part of a unique wilderness and beautiful. Dozens of large and small rivers originating from the Bukit Barisan, the mountains around Mount Dempo, and the Lake Ranau flows in the region. Thus, the area is known as the Batanghari Nine. Large river that flows in the region including Komering River, River Lematang, Ogan River, Rawas River, and several river which empties into the River Musi. There are two Musi River which empties into the sea in the adjacent area, namely that through the Musi River in Palembang and the Musi River Banyuasin slightly to the north. 

Because many large rivers, lowland circular from the area of Jambi, South Sumatra, Lampung province to an area that has many small lakes. The origin of small lakes that are flooded swamp ocean tide. While the city of Palembang, known now by history is a river island in Malay. The small island was a hill named Bukit Seguntang Mahameru. 

The uniqueness of the place other than rimbanya dense forests and many small lakes, and many flowers that grow fast, as long as the area was inhabited by a goddess with the ladies in her ladies. Goddard was called Princess Goda. Actually, she named Princess Ayu Sundari.Dewi and her ladies were ladies in the jungle forest inhabit, slope, and the peak of Bukit Barisan and the islands now known as Malaysia. They liked to come to the area Batanghari Nine to mingle and bathe in the lake, crystal clear rivers, or coastal area, ramps, and length. 

Because of the large river which empties into the sea, the voyagers of that era easily fit through the rivers to the deep, even to the foot of the mountain, which was fertile and prosperous area. Then there was communication between the traders, including traders from China with the local population. The area became crowded by locals with trading between dealers. Consequently, the goddesses of heaven feel annoyed and look elsewhere. 

Meanwhile, many people come around the Musi River to make a home there. Because of South Sumatra is a swampy lowland, the inhabitants make a house called the raft.

It was Hill Seguntang Mahameru be the center of human attention as the soil is fertile and various interest bodies in the area. Malay River Hill Seguntang Mahameru place is also famous.

Therefore, people who have lived in the Malay River, especially the town of Palembang, now calling themselves as residents of Sungai Melayu, which later turned into a pen  sat Malay.

According to the old Malay language, the word means the lowland valley which flooded many, sometimes drowning sometimes dry. Thus, the population of the highlands who want to Kilkenny will often say to me  Lembang. So did the immigrants who entered the River Musi said it would to Lembang. 

Once when Princess Ayu Sundari and retinue were still in Bukit Seguntang Mahameru, there is a ship that crashed in South Sumatra coast. Three of the sisters there was the king's son Iskandar Zulkarnain. They survived the crash and stranded on Mount Seguntang Mahameru.

They were greeted Princess Ayu Sundari. The eldest son Raja Iskandar Zulkarnain, Sang Sapurba then married to Princess Ayu Sundari and his two brothers married to the daughter's family. 

Because Hill Seguntang Mahameru dwells Malay River, then the Sapurba and his wife claim to be a Malay. Their offspring later developed and participate in local activities Lembang. Lembang name more famous.Then when people want to Lembang always said it would be to Kilkenny.The word pa in old Malay language indicates the place or location.Economic growth is increasingly crowded. Musi River and the River Musi Banyuasin be a strong point known as  trade to other countries. Lembang name was changed to Palembang.


Long time ago Banyuwangi was called Blambangan. It was a kingdom under a wise king who had a handsome and smart son. Raden Banterang was his name. He liked hunting very much. He often went to forest around Blambangan to hunt for animals. One day when he was in a forest he saw a deer. He chased it and the deer ran deeper into the forest. His horse was so good and strong that he left his guards behind. Unfortunately he lost the deer. As he took a rest under a big banyan tree suddenly a lovely lady appeared in front of him. Raden Banterang was very surprised to see a beautiful girl alone in the forest. He was suspicious that she was not a human being. So he asked her.

‘Excuse me lovely lady, do you live around here?’

‘No, I don’t. I’m from Klungkung, Bali. My name is Surati. I’m a princess, the daughter of the king of Klungkung. I need your help’

‘I will gladly help you, but please tell me what your problem is’

‘I’m in danger. There was a rebellion in Klungkung. The rebel killed my father but I could escape. 

My guards took me here but I lose them. Now I’m alone. I don’t know where to go. I have no relative here. Please help me’

‘You are coming to the right person. I’m prince Banterang from the kingdom of Blambangan. I will protect you. Please come with me.’

Then Raden Banterang took Surati home. He fell in love with her and then several months later he married her. One day when Surati was in the street he met a man. The man called him.
‘Surati, Surati’

She was surprised to realize that the man was her brother Rupaksa. Rupaksa told her that it was Raden Banterang who killed their father. He came to Blambangan to take revenge and asked surati to join him. Surati was shocked but she refused to join.

‘I’m really shocked to hear the news. But I’m not sure. Raden Banterang is now my husband. He’s very kind to me. He never hurts me. He’s protecting me. As a good wife I will never betray him. It is my duty to serve him.’

‘But he killed our father’.

‘It is hard for me to believe it. When I met him he was here, not in Klungkung’

Rupaksa was disappointed with her sister. He was also very angry to her.

‘OK then. I have to go now. But please keep my head dress. Put it under your pillow’

Rupaksa gave his head dress to his sister Surati. To respect her older brother Surati put it under her pillow. Several days later Raden Banterang was hunting in a forest when he met a man that looked like a priest. The man greeted him politely. Then he said something.

‘Your life is in danger. Someone has an evil intention to you’

‘Who is he?’

“Your wife Surati’

“Surati? How do you know?’

‘I am a priest. I have clear spiritual vision. I just want to save you. Search her room. If you find a head dress under her pillow then my words are correct. It is from a man who will help her kill you’

‘Thank you your Holiness’

Raden Banterang was shocked. He was very angry to his wife then he immediately went home. When he got to the palace he immediately searched Surati’s bed room. As he found the head dress under her pillow he was sure that the priest was right.

‘You are unfaithful wife. I know that you want me dead. This is the evidence. This is from a man who will help you kill me. Tell me who he is’

Surati was shocked and cried.

‘It is my brother’s head dress. I met him several days ago when you  went hunting. He gave me his head dress and told me to put it under my pillow. So I put it there to respect him. It is him who want to kill you, not me’

But Raden Banterang did not trust her. He gave her a death sentence. He took his wife to a river bank as he would stab his wife and throw her body into the river.

‘Before I die, let me say a few words’

‘Please do’

‘After I die, just throw my body into the river. If the water become dirty and smelly, it means that I am guilty. But if the water become clear and fragrance come out of it, it means that I am innocence’.

Then as Raden Banterang would stab her wife with a kris Surati threw herself into the river. Amazingly the water became clear and fragrance came out of it. Surati was innocent! Raden Banterang regretted his emotional behavior. Since then on he changed the name of his kingdom into Banyuwangi. Banyu means water and Wangi means fragrance.


Salatiga is small city in Central Java, Indonesia and located between Semarang  and Surakarta city.  It situated at the foot of Merbabu and Telomoyo Mount, and has a relatively cool climate due to its elevated position. This city has a history of why it is called Salatiga.  And this is the story …

Once upon a time, there was a king his name is Adipati Pandanarang II, who governed Semarang as regent. His people loved him very much because he was honest and wise but he loves to his exuberant wealth. The character of Adipati was heard by Sunan Kalijaga, he is a wise wali. Sunan wants to remains Pandanarang II through passing off as seller of grass and sell it to the king with very low price. Adipati just gives him 5 sen for his grass. Everyday, the king ask to the seller to put the grass into the stable but the seller inserts his money from the king between the grass. The money was found by the servant of the king and he told to his employer.

And what has done by the seller of grass makes the king angry, he felt that the seller mock him
and ask to the seller why he doesn’t received the money. The seller said that he doesn’t need the wealth because it never lasting. And he also said that there was gold and diamond in the palace yard. The seller prove it to the king and the result there was gold and diamond inside it. Finally, the king knows that the seller is Sunan Kalijaga. He asks apologize to Sunan and Adipati ask to become his follower. Sunan Kalijaga agree of his idea but he must leaves his wealth.  

Adipati’s wife joined with her husband. But, she doesn’t willing to leaves her wealth and give it to the poor people. She asks to her husband to goes earlier. After that, this women saves her gold and diamond into her bamboo stick.   

The king and Sunan Kalijaga walk together but in their way they meet with three robbers.

“If you want the wealth, just wait the old women. She brings her gold and diamond in her bamboo stick,” Said Sunan Kalijaga.

Then, the queen come with her stick. Three robbers ask the women’s stick and carry away from her. The queen just cry. When she met with her husband and Sunan, she told the story to them about what happened to her. 

Sunan said “ You doesn’t hear what your husband said. if you want to follow me just leave your wealth”.

To remain that tragedy, Sunan Kalijaga named the place “Salah Tiga” which literally meant  three mistakes. Salah is mistake and tiga is three.

Sunan Kalijaga said that there were three mistakes in that place, the  first is king’s mistake because he is very loves of his wealth, second is the queen’s mistake, and the last is the robbers. Day by day Salah Tiga become Salatiga.  Nowadays, this city become the busy city. 


History Malang City Indonesia preceded by a wise king and very scared, Dewasimha name. He keeps a glittering palace and sanctified by the holy fire Putikewara (Ciwa). Blessed is the King Dewasimha because the gods have bestowed on her a son as heir to the crown. Son who later became the royal patron named Liswa or also known as Gajayana. Gajayana a king who was so loved by his people, virtuous and in doing good to the pastor and verily, verily devoted to the sage Agastya.

As a sign of sincere devotion to the sage, the King Gajayana had built a gorgeous temple to mahresi well as to be an antidote to all diseases and plagues the kingdom. If his ancestors had made Agstya of sandalwood statues, the king Gajayana as expressing devotion and respect has ordered the famous carvers throughout the kingdom to make a statue of Agastya beautiful black stone, so that all can see it. Agastya statue Kumbhayoni called it, on the orders of the virtuous king was inaugurated by the Regveda, the Brahmins, the leading priests and the people of the land who are experts, in Saka, Nayana-Vava-Rase (682) month right Magasyirsa on Friday, halflight.

He is the mighty King Gajayana it is a very religious respect for the clergy. Awarded to their land and their cows are fat, some buffalo, slave men and women, as well as the various necessities of life such as bathing soaps, material presentation ceremony, big houses full of survival supplies such as: the Brahmins and in guests, complete with clothes, bedding and rice, barley. Those who obstruct the will of the king to give gifts like that, good brothers, the sons of kings, and the First Minister, then they will be harmed by bad thoughts and will go to hell and not going to gain power in world or in another world. He, on the contrary always pray and hope that his descendants rejoice in the gifts, pay attention to the holy spirit, respect for the Brahmans and devout worship, to do good, to run the victims, and study the Vedas. Hopefully they keep the empire’s incomparable as the King has been keeping.

Gajayana king had a daughter who would continue Vamcakula Uttejena wise father. The above story is the history of Malang city Indonesia, lifted from one inscription called “inscription Dinaya or Kanjuruhan” according to the name of the village is mentioned in the charter. As noted therein, this inscription contains elements dating in candrasengkala which reads: “Nayana-vaya-rase” Çaka worth 682 years or 760 years after Christ. If the inscription was issued by King Gajayana in the year 760 AD, then at least the inscription is the oldest written source about the facilities that the political establishment Kanjuruan empire in Malang. The place is now known as Dinoyo located 5 miles west of Malang city Indonesia. In this place according to residents there, still found Dewasimha sculpture set amid the market despite missing almost sank into the ground.

Malangkucecwara derived from three words, namely: Mala, which means everything is dirty, fraud, falsehood, or falsehood, Angkuca which means destroying or destroy and Icwarayang means God. Thus Malangkucecwara means “a false DESTROY GOD”. In the unfortunate history of the city of Indonesia, Malang name has been ingrained for its residents. But the name is still a question mark. While historians continue to explore the sources to get the right answers to the above statement. Until now it has acquired several hypotheses regarding the origin of the name of Malang. 

Malangkucecwara symbol is written in Malang city Indonesia, according to one hypothesis is the name of a sacred building. The name of the sacred building itself is found in two inscriptions of King Balitung of Central java which Mantyasih inscription in 907, and the 908 inscriptions found in one place between Surabaya-Malang. However, where the location of the actual shrine Malangkucecwara, historians still get the deal. The building where the suspected party is in the holy mountains Buring, one that ran in the mountains east Malang city Indonesia where there is a mountain peak named Malang.

History is full of Malang City Indonesia puzzle, proving the truth of these allegations is still ongoing as it turns out, to the west of Malang city Indonesia there is also a mountain named Malang. The other party actually suspect that the location of the sacred buildings of the region, Overlapping, one place in the northern city of Malang, Indonesia. To date in the area there are a village named Malangsuka, which some historians, probably derived from the spoken word Malankuca reversed. 

The above opinion is also corroborated by a number of ancient buildings that were scattered in the area, such as temples and temple Jago Left, both of which Singasari royal relic. Of the two hypotheses mentioned above is also uncertain Which is presumably earlier known by the name derived from the name of Malang shrine Malangkucecwara it. Is the area around Malang now, or do both mountains are named Malang around that area. A copper inscription found at the end of 1974 banh plantation, Wlingi, southwest of Malang, in the written part as follows: “………… taning sakrid Malang-akalihan wacid opponent spur pasabhanira dyah Spleen Makanagran I ………”. The meaning of the above sentence is: “…….. in the east where hunting around Malang with wacid and Mancu, rice Dyah Spleen is ……… ”

From the sound of it turns Malang inscription is one place in the east of the places mentioned in the inscription tiu. Of the inscription is obtained evidence that the use of the name of Malang has existed at least since the 12th century AD. Previous hypotheses, may differ with the opinion that the suspect Malang name comes from the word “Denied” or “hinder” (in Javanese means Malang). 

Once Sunan Mataram who wants to spread its influence to the East Java have tried to occupy the area of ?? Malang. Residents of the area to fight a great war. Sunan Mataram therefore assume that the people of the area to obstruct, deny or poor on purpose Sunan Mataram. Since then, the area was named Malang.

Senin, 24 Maret 2014

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—Tere Liye, novel ‘Daun yang jatuh tak pernah membenci angin’ - 

Daun yang jatuh tak pernah membenci angin.
Dia membiarkan dirinya jatuh begitu saja.
Tak melawan, mengikhlaskan semuanya.
Bahwa hidup harus menerima, penerimaan yang indah.
Bahwa hidup harus mengerti, pengertian yang benar.
Bahwa hidup harus memahami, pemahaman yang tulus.
Tak peduli lewat apa penerimaan, pengertian, pemahaman itu datang.
Tak masalah meski lewat kejadian yang sedih dan menyakitkan.
Biarkan dia jatuh sebagaimana mestinya.
Biarkan angin merengkuhnya, membawa pergi entah kemana.

The Jakarta Post's Article

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Indosat Expects to raise Rp 1.3 trillion from TBIG sales

Mariel Grazella, the Jakarta Post Business Sat, March 15 2014, 10:28 AM

Mobile phone operator PT Indosat (ISAT) will be using Rp 1.39 trillion ( USD$122.40 million) of  funds gained from a planned sale of shares in a tower company to partially pay debt that are due this year.

In an announcement posted via The Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in Friday, indosat disclosed that it would be selling its entire 239,826,310 shares in tellecomunication tower company PT Tower Bersama Infrastructure (TBIG).

Tha Shares, equivalent to 5 percent of Tower Bersama’s capital, were collected by indosat in 2012, when the operator sold 2,500 of its towers to Tower Bersama. The latter paid indosat an upfront fee of $406 million as well as the newly issued shares.

The operator has appointed Merrill Lynch (Singapore) Pte.Ltd, as its sole placement agent and SLA Singapore Pte.Ltd. as the co-lead manager. The transaction in scheduled to close next Wednesday.

“we formally announced our plans to the Financial Services Authority (OJK) today (Friday), “indosat finance director Stefan Carlsson said. He added that the operator had been considering selling the shares for the past six to nine month, as the firm never intended to act as a long-term shareholder or financial investor.

“we took stake in Tower Bersama during the tower deal to ensure a good partnership with them, enjoy upside value from the shares.” he said.

Indosat, as the anchor tenet of the 2,500 towers, had signed new lease agreements, carrying a minimum period 10 years, with Tower Bersama during the deal.

Meanwhile, Tower Bersama’s share price hovered around the 3,000 range in 2012. In this sale, however, share’s will be offered at 5,800 apiece.

Carlsson said the disposal of the shares was so as to meet this year’s funding needs, especially network expansions“We have debt maturing and capital expansions as part of our financial plans, and the sale proceeds will be used to cover a combination of both,” he said, adding that sourcing funds from the sale would reduce the firm’s borrowing figures.

He pointed out that this year, indosat estimated capital expenses of Rp 8 trillion to Rp 9 trillion in capital, close to the amount spent last year. He further added that the operator faced approximately Rp 6 trillion in maturing debts this year.

“we are considering refinancing between Rp 5 trillion and Rp 6 trillion, depending on our cash flow. “he said, adding that Indosat expected no “big debt reductions” given the hefty capital costs.

He pointed out that as of 2013, gross debt stood at Rp 27.7 trillionwhich would have been 8 percent lower if not for the “accounting” losses due to higher foreign exchange rates.

At the end of 2013, Indosat reported net losses of Rp 2.782 trillion, despite a 6.4 percent year-on-year increase in revenue to Rp 23.8 trillion, due to foreign exchange losses of Rp 2.786 trillion.

“However, around Rp 3.9 trillion of our gross debt was not real debt, but financial leasing on the towers. Roughly half of the balance after the reduction was US-denominated debt,” he said.

Note :
Green colour is simple present tense
Blue colour is simple past tense
Red colour is simple future tense

Source :

Make a story

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In this era of globalization, certainly an awful lot of growing media influence, especially in the development of technology. We all know, in the previous era, mobile phones are the most famous of the communications media, but of course as a result of further development of the age of mobile technology is not sufficient for telecommunications media, so now internet technology is the most famous media influence.

Here, I'll take a small example that real often we see as a result of technological developments, perhaps even our own experience. In the past, children often seen playing together a traditional game held our nation. They often forget the time because it was too busy playing with his friends. But, if we see today, many children who busy themselves with his gadget, and do not care about his around. In the past, people went on foot or riding a bike, in addition to healthy also not throwing pollution into the air. However, now people prefer going to use a motor vehicle when the distance is close enough.

The example above is some of negative impact on the development of technology. Various consequences are sort of threat, but of course can be a medium that is able to simplify life, if the user can utilize the medium of the media correctly. Of course, not easy to fend off the growing influence of the media, we should do is utilize existing media correctly and not damage the quality of our self.

In later times, the negative outside influences development of increasingly sophisticated technology, humans are expected to bring the country is more advanced that our country is not left behind by other countries. In addition, hopefully in the future we can become a state capable of creating something that will benefit all the people around the world.

Note :
Green colour is simple present tense
Blue colour is simple past tense
Red colour is simple future tense